By Yvan Karlsson

A visual theatre work for ages 5+

 2021 - FringeWorld Festival, Subiaco Arts Centre, Perth
Supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries.


The Lucky Cat is a meaningful tale, exploring contemporary family dynamics, speaking to both adults and children. It features puppetry and visual theatre to tell a story about luck, fate and optimism. 

The story features Alex, the unluckiest child in the whole world - she tries, and she tries but can't seem to catch a break, that is until she meets Tet, the luckiest cat in the world. They set out on an epic adventure to retrieve Alex's luck from the world of Fate and along the way learn what luck really is.

“I wanted to make this work as a response to feeling like ‘The Unluckiest Child in the World’. It seemed like at the start of the pandemic young people (and adults) felt like nothing was in their control. Why weren’t they allowed to do this? Why not that? I’m sure many felt absolutely unlucky, having to have birthdays on Zoom and playdates through the garden fence.

When I thought back to when I felt most unlucky it was during high school. I would come home with endless homework and tests and my black cat, called Shadow, was just sitting there lying in the sun. I thought he was ‘The Luckiest Cat in the World’. I wished I could just drop everything and lie in the sun with him all day.”
- Yvan Karlsson

PERFORMER / TET Tristan McInnes
Voice of FATE St John Cowcher
Voice of MUM Ella Hetherington

Director, Writer & Set Design Yvan Karlsson
Dramaturg & Mentor Humphrey Bower

Puppet Maker & Design Consultant Leon Hendroff
Sound Designer & Composer Rebecca Riggs-Bennet (Elsewhere/Rebecca)
Lighting Designer Peter Young

Producer Erin Lockyer
Publicist Tracy Routledge
Marketing Mitch Whelan
Graphic Design Tim Green
Photography Emma Fishwick

L-R (Yvan Karlsson, Caitlin McFeat, Tristan McInnes & Tet)

L-R: Yvan Karlsson, Caitlin McFeat, Tristan McInnes & Tet



FRINGE FEED (Abby Osborne): “An empowering story coupled with seamless set design and puppetry truly make this show a unique experience. …The Lucky Cat is a show for all ages. It captures the imagination and reignites childhood wonder. The fantastical world that Alex and Tet find themselves in is something straight out of a Ghibli movie.”

SEESAW MAG (Asha Grandage, Age: 8): “It would be very hard to train a live cat to do all of the things that Tet does in the show, so Tet is a puppet, moved and talked by Tristan McInnes. Tristan and Caitlin McFeat (Alex) are brilliant actors and perform the show beautifully. …The set is made up of white boxes which are taken apart and rebuilt in all sorts of ways. Lights and music are very good at setting scenes, especially in the underwater parts. …I feel lucky that I got to see this show, and I hope you get to enjoy it too.”

STAGE WHISPERS (Kimberly Shaw): “Beautiful storytelling, with some likeable performers and gorgeous puppets - this is a kids’ show that treats its audience as highly intelligent - never talking down to its audience and unafraid to use sophisticated language and complex concepts including fate and self-worth. …A show for children that parents love - it would be great to see this debut work have further life.”

FOURTH WALL MEDIA (Laura Money): “The Lucky Cat is a sweet tale of friendship and adversity with all the charm of a children’s book. The characters leap off the page and onto the stage in a quest complete with puzzles, tricks, and courage needed to find luck. With a simple set, gorgeous puppetry, and a lot of heart The Lucky Cat is the perfect show for the little adventurer in your life.”